Water Pressure
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Water Pressure
Water Pressure Services In The Colorado Springs Area
Making a quick call can get you back to normal quickly, with BPR skilled crews fixing the problem and restoring you to the way you were before the plumbing problems began.
Water Pressure Services In The Colorado Springs Area
BPR Can Solve Your Water Pressure Problems
Do your pipes rattle when you turn on the hot water or a heavy water flow? How about when you run the warm or hot water through the bath tub or sink faucet. Maybe you left the hot water heater on for a good five minutes but still the hot water only lasts for a minute. These are all signs of serious plumbing issues that need attention.
The most common indicators of a malfunctioning regulator are:
High/low water pressure
High/low water flow
Surging water
Banging pipes
Vibrating pipes
Leaking toilet fill valves
Leaking hot water relief valves
Broken pipes and leaking faucets
You may or may not notice the symptoms listed and the symptoms listed may be related to other plumbing system problems. Recommended water pressure in a home is 55 pounds per square inch (PSI); most state codes list the maximum safe allowable pressure at 80 PSI in any building. Most faucet, toilet and water heater manufacturers void their warranties when water pressure exceeds 80 PSI, and if you have a home warranty, some warranty companies void your coverage if your home has excessive pressure.
Abnormal water pressure is a common problem in residential plumbing systems, particularly in homes with pipes that are older than 20 or 30 years. Today, many structures have plumbing installed with regulators to control water pressure from getting out of hand, but older buildings and homes did not have such controls. These gauges and valves control the flow so that it doesn’t overwhelm the pipe system in the structure. However, municipal agencies have upgraded their water systems over the years, so the water pressure today is far more than what was in the system 30 years ago.
Common signs of water regulators starting to give up the ghost tends to be fluctuating water pressure. Another sign can be significant change in the water flow coming through the plumbing. If the water is burping and then surging out of a faucet it’s a symptom. The all-too-famous rattling or vibrating pipes is also a sign of too much pressure in the system. Not so related signs tend to be where water may be leaking out of valves either in toilets, faucets, or pipe connections.
The standard water pressure for a residential plumbing system in a home should be at 55 PSI. The high range safety level is reached when the same plumbing PSI exceeds 80. Beyond this point, many plumbing manufacturers no longer back up the capabilities of their products as the pressure will eventually overcome their valves. Home-builders will also back away from performing any repairs on a house with water pressure exceeding acceptable standards.
Where water line regulators begin to fail, the control aspect no longer exists as pressure pushes its way through into the rest of the plumbing system. Regulator failure can occur due to age or if the unit gets damaged somehow. It can also happen in an obvious fashion or not be seen for quite a while. Since much of a structure’s plumbing system tends to be buried behind drywall and separations, many leaks won’t be seen until they become much bigger or stronger. A related repair job can be quite a process as well. Failure generally requires a replacement of the unit, and the installation of a new part can be a technical affair. This is not the kind of job that gets fixed with a simple repair kit from your local hardware store.
A homeowner or building tenant can get many of these problems fixed with BPR’s expertise and help. You don’t have to try to manage these plumbing problems alone.
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